Equipping you with an improved understanding of, and tools to support, the mental health and well-being of your employees in the workplace.

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Mental ill-health is a leading cause of sickness absence from work in the UK – and this is likely to continue (if not increase) following the global pandemic. How prepared is your organisation to provide mental health and well-being support to your employees?

I-act is the UK’s leading evidence-based and accredited mental health and wellbeing programme for understanding and managing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

As an Approved Provider of i-act Training (accredited by The Royal College of Psychiatrists), we offer a proactive and supportive approach by equipping your managers, employees and front-line workers with an improved understanding of, and tools to support a positive mental health and well-being culture in the workplace. 

This approach aims to prevent mental health illnesses arising, and enabling early intervention if it does – driving a faster recovery time and reducing the impact on business.

The time has come to do more than just raise awareness of mental health in the workplace.


Get in touch with us today to arrange a free, no-obligation conversation. We’ll use this time to listen to your current concerns, discover what you’re trying to achieve and share initial thoughts on how we can provide you with support. We look forward to hearing from you.